Our People
Sam W. Rollans
Barrister & Solicitor
Sam Rollans commits to giving clients an honest opinion of their chances of success and to removing much of the stress and confusion of navigating the legal system so they can make the best decisions for themselves and their families. His aim is always negotiation and settlement, but he is adept at taking matters to court when needed.
Sam has appeared before all levels of court in Alberta. He has represented married and common-law clients on issues of divorce, parenting, custody, guardianship, access, child and spousal support, property division, and adoption. He has interest and experience in less-common areas of family law such as annulments, grandparents’ contact orders, provisional support, and interjurisdictional support.
Sam is a husband, father, and dyed-in-the-wool Edmontonian. He graduated with distinction from the University of Alberta in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts in English and philosophy, and received his Juris Doctor, with distinction, from the University of Alberta in 2015. Sam geared his legal education toward family law, taking as many courses as he could in family law, alternative dispute resolution, mediation, negotiation, and advocacy. He spent three years volunteering with Student Legal Services in their civil/family projects, and a year with Pro Bono Students Canada. He took summer work with a family law firm in 2013, and began working at Bruyer & Mackay LLP in 2014, first as a summer student, then as an articling student, and finally as an associate. Sam was called to the Alberta Bar in 2016.
T :: +1 780.425 9777